Pre-booking request – OLD

    Select your luxury experience

    Approximate visit time: 90 minutes / Visit with previously confirmed reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Price: $180,000 per person / Heliport available Approximate visit time: 150 minutes / Visit with previously confirmed reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Price: $280,000 per person / Heliport available Approximate visit time: 120 minutes / Price per person: $140,000 / Reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance Approximate time: 180 minutes / Only with confirmed prior reservation / Open monday through friday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Value CLP $450,000 per person / Heliport availability. Approximate time: 90 minutes / Only with confirmed prior reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Cost per person (from 2 to 3 pax) is $1,600,000 each. Cost per person (from 4 to 10 pax) is $1,000,000 each. / Heliport availability.

    Menu selection

    Choose the menu (appetizer, main course, and dessert) for the number of people entered in the previous step.

    Personal information

    Thank you for your request!

    We will contact you shortly to confirm your reservation. return