Select your luxury experience
Approximate visit time: 90 minutes / Visit with previously confirmed reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Price: $180,000 per person / Heliport available
Approximate visit time: 150 minutes / Visit with previously confirmed reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Price: $280,000 per person / Heliport available
Approximate visit time: 120 minutes / Price per person: $140,000 / Reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance
Approximate time: 180 minutes / Only with confirmed prior reservation / Open monday through friday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Value CLP $450,000 per person / Heliport availability.
Approximate time: 90 minutes / Only with confirmed prior reservation / Open monday through saturday. Sundays and holidays, closed / Cost per person (from 2 to 3 pax) is $1,600,000 each. Cost per person (from 4 to 10 pax) is $1,000,000 each. / Heliport availability.