The Drinks Business highlights our Innovative project: Sundial Vineyard

The Drinks Business highlights our Innovative project: Sundial Vineyard

A influente publicação britânica publicou um grande artigo sobre o inédito projeto recentemente lançado pela Viña Don Melchor.

The article, titled “Don Melchor Comes Full Circle,” was published on their website, spotlighting this innovative project by Viña Don Melchor. The Solar Vineyard, planted in 2018, will provide valuable insights into the relationship between orientation and planting density in grapevine cultivation. 

Louis Thomas, senior writer staff at the publication, comments: “It is hoped that the data gathered from each vine will give Don Melchor a fuller understanding of how to maximise the quality it gets from its terroir. It is also believed that it will reveal how the factors of orientation and density can determine the efficiency of water usage in irrigation, a vital aspect of viticulture in this very dry region.” 

Read the full article by clicking here.